CLIMACT starting grants 2022

CLIMACT announces the 2022 winners of the CLIMACT Starting Grants

In June 2022, CLIMACT closed its second call for proposals for the 2022 CLIMACT Starting Grants. We are happy to announce that our jury selected five projects each receiving up to CHF 50’000 for the 12 months period starting in November 2022.

Posted on Nov 25, 2022


Dr Nicolas Tetreault

Executive director

CLIMACT announces the 2022 winners of the CLIMACT Starting Grants

Through its annual call for proposals, CLIMACT strives to provide competitive grants to support new seed research with the potential to grow into full-scale interdisciplinary research projects.

All projects funded through the CLIMACT Starting Grant propose innovative systemic solutions which address the social, scientific and technological challenges associated with the transition to a sustainable future. The teams must include at least one researcher from both UNIL and EPFL to guarantee an interdisciplinary approach and mindset.

There is no better timing to launch these projects given the urgency expressed by the COP27, which reiterated our belief that solutions are local, people-driven with a cross-sectional approach. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all applicants and grantees who are at the heart of our mission.

The five proposals selected cover a large variety of topics and disciplines, from urbanism to robotics, from grasslands to glaciers and from ecosystems to microbial degradation of plastics.

The five winning projects and research teams are:

Sustainable future cities: monitoring urban ecosystems services.

Designing microbial communities for the environmentaand climate-friendly degradation of end-of-life bioplastics.

Robotic platform for monitoring the biodiversity of retreating glaciers.

Impact of mountain grassland irrigation in nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions.

Rizlan Bernier-Latmani, ENAC - Christophe Randin, FBM – Eric Giorardin, Hydrolina Agrolina

ValP – Express: a high-speed metro for a sustainable mobility in the Alpes.


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