Changements climatiques

Climate insights: high-resolution forecasts and groundwater dynamics


13 mai 2024


10:00 - 11:15

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Climate insights: high-resolution forecasts and groundwater dynamics

Predicting hydrological changes: high-resolution snow forecasting

Climate change has led to significant alterations in snow water resources, highlighting the need for robust adaptation strategies. In this talk, I will discuss our study which focuses on the high-resolution forecasting of daily snow cover and Snow Water Equivalent (SWE).

Utilising CMIP6 climate projections along with a novel K-nearest neighbor algorithm, our research simulates high-resolution changes in snow. This enhances predictions of hydrological phenomena and aids in improving water resource management.

Fatemeh Zakeri
Fatemeh Zakeri


Fatemeh Zakeri est chercheuse en géosciences au laboratoire GAIA de l'Université de Lausanne depuis 2020. Son travail consiste principalement à produire des données cohérentes sur la surface de la Terre en analysant des données climatiques et des im...
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Impact of global changes on groundwater recharge in cold and humid climates

Groundwater recharge (GWR) represents the water that infiltrates from the surface, percolates through the soil, and eventually replenishes groundwater reservoirs. It plays a crucial role in regional hydrological dynamics, propagating changes at the surface to groundwater resources, which sustain various uses (domestic and industrial water, agriculture, and ecosystems).

Emmanuel Dubois
Dr. Emmanuel Dubois


En tant qu'hydrogéologue passionné par le développement durable, les recherches d'Emmanuel Dubois se concentrent sur la quantification des ressources en eaux souterraines et l'exploration de leur potentiel pour favoriser un développement sociétal du...
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