Changements climatiques

Climate crisis: nature-based resilience


27 nov. 2023


11:00 - 12:15

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Climate crisis: nature-based resilience

Nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation

As urgent actions are needed to curb climate change and biodiversity decline, Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) could play an essential role to help address both issues synergistically. However, NbS remain controversial because of uncertainties surrounding their effectiveness and the risks involved in their implementation. Embracing a broader portfolio of NbS beyond the ones focusing most of the attention and prioritising those providing co-benefits on several sustainability dimensions could minimise risks while delivering a much needed contribution to climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Edouard Davin
Prof. Edouard Davin

Professeur de scénarios climatiques pour le dével...

Prof. Dr. Edouard Davin est un climatologue qui étudie les interactions entre la biosphère terrestre, l'utilisation des sols et le climat. Il possède une vaste expérience de la modélisation du climat mondial et régional, et l'un de ses principaux do...
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Management, climate adaptation and climate mitigation in mountain forests of the Alps

Mountain forests in the Alps are strongly characterised by human land-use history and natural disturbances. These forests fulfil important ecosystem services, e.g. as protection against natural hazards. With climate change, we expect shifts of upper treeline, but also a further increase of natural disturbances such as fire, windthrow or bark beetle outbreaks. In this contribution, I discuss current trends and challenges related to the management of mountain forests under climate change and how aspects of climate adaptation and climate mitigation may be optimised.

Peter Bebi
Dr. Peter Bebi

Chef du groupe "Écosystèmes de montagne" et du CE...

Dr. Peter Bebi est un chercheur en sciences naturelles qui étudie la dynamique, la gestion et les services écosystémiques des écosystèmes de montagne. Il se concentre particulièrement sur les forêts en montagne et les écosystèmes de la limite des ar...
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